

shallow lyrics的相關標籤

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Bradley Cooper & Lady Gaga - Shallow(副歌) - Cover with @molly_tsai - 好久久沒錄歌了,看了這部電影兩次,真的感觸很多 希望所有對音樂有夢想的朋友們可以不放棄繼續努力在這條道路上☺️ - 希望你們會喜歡😊 喜歡的話可以幫我們標註你的朋友們來看或是分享唷😋 - Lyrics: I'm off the deep end Watch as I dive in I'll never meet the ground Crash through the surface Where they can't hurt us We're far from the shallow now In the sha-ha-sha-ha-ha-low In the sha-sha-la-la-low In the sha-ha-sha-ha-ha-low We're far from the shallow now - 感謝 #杰洛音樂 提供場地與技術指導 🗣有想要學樂器、唱歌的朋友們或是需要表演的朋友們歡迎來這邊訊問📪

Bradley Cooper & Lady Gaga - Shallow(副歌) - Cover w...